Stakeholder and promise

Main stakeholder: Municipality of Delft

The main stakeholder for this project is Delft as a city and more specific, its municipality. To insure we do what’s in their interest we have to map what these interests are.

The municipality divides its attention three-ways between residents, tourists and business. Each of these groups need their own approach but comes with unique possibilities. For this project, the most important group to take in account are the residents, because they are the most frequent visitors of the Spoorzone. To get a clear overview over what interests the municipality has, we have utilised the same division as they have and placed the relevant interests below.

Residents                                     Tourists                                        Business

Concerns and Interests which apply to the project

  • Keep Delft a city where Residents, Tourist and Business have a mutual beneficial relationship.
  • While doing necessary construction work strive to do it without putting a lot of stress on residents and business.
  • Keep Delft attractive to visit.
  • Make sure everybody has sufficient information on what is going on
  • Be a city of history as well as inovation

Promise: To stimulate a positive image of the Spoorzone construction area

How is that possible?

We have noted during our research that some people find the construction site a nuisance, which is understandable. However, what surprised us were the number of people who were intrigued, interested and drawn to the site. If this is possible without anything special, just a construction site, imagine how something could seduce even more people. with a project like this we could make the average Delvenaar step over the rubble with a smile on his face.


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