Initial ideas for a CMiD solution

To achieve our goal of attracting and involving residents and commuters with the Spoorzone, we have some early plans we would like to develop in the future.

Coming back to the existing CMiD solution of the Dark Knight, we aim to use the core visitors and construction workers as a tool to stimulate interest about the transformation of the Spoorzone.

As a result, our team imagined two special events: ‘Bob the Builder’-day and a sexy construction workers event.

Word of mouth, paper media, television, social media and websites will be used to promote these events.

Bob the builder

During the length of a day, the Spoorzone could be transformed into the magical world of Bob the builder. All the heavy machinery will have friendly faces and the construction workers will work hand in hand with them. Some fun activities could also be planned during the day to entertain the visitors.
This event could be promoted word to mouth in kindergarten and schools by mothers or children, even the schoolteachers. It will help increase the awareness of the families and residents. 

Sexy construction workers event

Like our team concluded in the presentation of Phase 1, in a marketing point of view, sex sells. Therefore we were thinking of a sexy yet neat way of integrating this in the project. We came up with the idea of creating a special ‘Sexy construction workers’ event during which sexy construction workers will be working on the Spoorzone for a while.
Fun activities could be organized such as Delft versions of ‘Take me out’ or ‘Boer zoekt vrouw’.  

This could be done on a Saturday as the real construction workers are not working (even though we are not excluding the possibility of asking them to participate to the event). On top of that, the weekend is the most appropriate time to do this to attract a wider range and amount of potential visitors that have the day off.

This event would most likely attract mostly students or young people and make a big uproar on social media (and maybe even national television).

These two events are evanescent happenings; still they will hopefully have a lot of media interest and attract many residents or commuters. They will also provide a positive experience of the construction area and stimulate the awareness on the project.

To keep the core visitors entertained and facilitate the communication between them and all the other residents and commuters (in the idea of ‘Delftenaren for Delftenaren’), we are thinking of placing meeting point all around the area where a special device would be found where pictures and comments could be placed. These features will afterwards also be available on the Internet.

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