CMiD Solution

Our Promise

We will turn the indifferent attitude of the user groups towards the Spoorzone construction project into positive feelings and interest through a fun experience on location


If our promise had to be summarized into a single phrase, it would be “FUN”. But how will the city of Delft benefit from providing our primary and secondary users with fun? How will fun serve our promise? We will attempt to explain this through simple FUNematics:

FUN + commuters=turning commuters into tourists
FUN + residents=word of mouth marketing
FUN + tourists=more tourists
FUN + professionals=more money
FUN + construction workers=happy construction workers

Creating History

Now that we have established that we want to create a fun experience and communicated how this serves out promise and thus the city of Delft, we asked ourselves the following question: “How can we transform this heavy construction area into a fun and engaging experience?” We looked back at the solutions we analyzed and concluded that it would be interesting to create a story for the users experience. This story should be as believable as possible. Therefore we dove into the history of Delft and crafted a story that is both credible and compelling.

The Solution

As explained, our focus is on creating FUN experiences on location in order to create awareness and interest for the new area. Our secondary goal for this solution is to provide real world as well as virtual meeting points that allow users to share their enthusiasm and experience in order to reach a larger crowd. We will provide three real world meeting points: the large billboard, the restaurant or café and, in the final phase of the experience, the event itself. Various virtual platforms will be provided as well: a mobile phone app, a dedicated fake website to support the story, the Spoorzone’s current website, and social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

The Story

Story Map

In order to explain how we unfold our story over the various media platforms employed, we developed a new tool. We call it a “Story Map”. We divided our story into three chapters. “The Future”, “The Present” and “The Past”. These chapters are placed on a timeline. We then explain for each chapter how each medium provides an experience to the user and thus communicates that chapter of the total story. The experience provided by each medium changes for each chapter. The visual style changing accordingly on each medium. This keeps users engaged over the course of the whole experience and provides new content to share through word of mouth at the various meeting points we provide and through the website and social media.

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