Raison d’etre

Our goal is to make the spoorzone Delft area more fun.
But how is fun generated in this heavy construction area? We decided the area is more fun if it’s an interesting place for you. We want people to get affinity with the construction sight. To combine fun, interest and affinity we came up with a solution. Think of an interactive history lesson that will take you to back too the roots of Delft, all the way to the new station. To make this journey we had several solutions in mind:
Think of a augmented reallity billboard that shows you and your surounding 200 years in the past. This will trigger people’s interest, following a website where you can download this abb for your phone. With your mobile phone it is now possible to see the future or the past with augmented reality. Think of a fake event that is organised by gemeente Delft. An old ship has been found, and it’s an archilogical miracle! This will draw attention, and get people envolved with the project. Etc

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