Interaction Vision

Interaction vision

Spoorzone Delft is visited by hundreds of commuters every day, grumpy and in a hurry in the morning, exhausted and languid in the evening. Using the area solely as a connection point in their commute and bothered by the nuisance created by the construction. Whilst they’re probably failing to realize that they are the reason construction is necessary in the first place.

Because this is an undesirable situation the focus of this project will be about lighting up the commuter’s day, create affection or even affiliation with the area and inspire awareness about the project.  If the commuter is aware if the constant changes in the Spoorzone and has a feel for where the project is heading he will become interested and involved.

To trigger these emotions there will an inviting and approachable installation on site. This trigger will be interacting with the building site in addition to the by-passers and will inspire those people to see beyond the construction site and look into history and into the future. It will also refer to other forms of media which are integrated in the project. These other types of media will give a more in-depth experience but require a little action from the user. All of the interaction can be between media and person within a context but could include multiple people if the user feels persuaded so. Because these commuters are constantly on the move, the trigger should work swiftly and have a low threshold. Once he is seduced to an experience with the other media it could take a little more effort and time. The user will see the Spoorzone in a different light and build a relationship with it. Forgiveness for the nuisance and acceptance for the ever-changing  nature of the area will be the returns.

Key words

Interest-The feeling you get when you look at something and you’re not quite sure how it works or why.

Fun- Enjoying something you felt to old to enjoy

knowledge-Acquirering and sharing knowledge is of all the ages

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